"The more you help people get what they want, the more you will get what you want." - Zig Ziglar

Hi! I’m the DIY Marketing Guy! 

Robert Renaud - DIY Marketing Guy

Rob in his happy place.

It’s kind of weird how I ended up in an MLM business made up of 99% women. Some might even say I’m the smartest guy in the world for taking on such an endeavor. I don’t know about that but it certainly feels right when I get to empower leaders to reach a potential they never thought possible. It has become a challenge and an honor to run alongside some incredible people who have enriched my life and I’m eager to see what the future holds.

This whole journey kicked off when I felt a call to quit my job back in 2013 to pursue a life as an entrepreneur. I was “psychologically unemployable” because I wanted to be in charge of my time and determine how much I wanted to be paid. So, I had this great, world-changing idea to create a dating app. Yes, that’s right. It was legit. I started the project, met some developers I wanted to work with, learned some new software, designed the interface and wireframed the whole process. I submitted my idea to an angel investor but didn’t get the opportunity to make a pitch in front of their panel since they had already reached their limit of projects for the quarter. So, I figured, I needed to finance this myself. I got a job with the sole purpose of saving 100% of the income. I was working and saving, working and saving. But then, I was introduced to Network Marketing.

Let’s just say I was re-introduced. You see, I hated Network Marketing. I didn’t even like saying those words. I vowed I would never ever ever ever, ever ever, ever ever ever do THAT again. But when I was invited by a dear friend to learn about the products, I agreed with absolutely no intention of “joining”. 

I vowed I would never ever ever ever, ever ever, ever ever ever do THAT again.

As I looked and listened, I saw how excited everyone got about the products. I later learned that 90% of members are just customers. They buy the products because they love them. The other 10% are those “building a business” and making an income. That spoke volumes to me. But I was confused because, during the class I attended, they didn’t even mention the income opportunity! I mean, I already knew it was a Network Marketing business but they left that part out. But what I saw was a business where people loved the products and didn’t care about the income. And, everyone signed up that day for a starter kit including myself. I thought, “what just happened?”

Who else wants or ever offered to help you with YOUR future?

I got home and tried to figure this thing out. The gears in my head were spinning. It was a simple concept, really. All I saw in my mind were numbers. I didn't see the products for what they were but the business model was intriguing to me. Simply put, I needed to get 100 people to spend $100 per month. With that volume I would be locked in to qualify for generational bonuses. Easy enough.

I turned to Facebook and contacted 200+ people. I let them know I was in business. To those whom I contacted, “so sorry about that.” I didn’t know how else to do it. I thought it was the most innovative business plan and opportunity and I wanted to share it with the world. At my age, I saw a resourceful retirement plan that my friends needed to hear. And the best part is, I run alongside you and help you. Who else wants or ever offered to help you with YOUR future?

But one thing I did know was this: all you have to do is this, this, this and that CONSISTENTLY to be successful. That is all. It was a no-brainer. I decided to forget about my other business plan and concentrate on this one. I decided to give it a year to see what was possible.

I found a script online with some slides and started teaching classes myself. I just read the script. My dream was bigger than me messing up.

I wanted the TIME FREEDOM to do what is really important in this world. I knew I had a deeper purpose.

I found myself making a pretty good income at my day job as a Marketing Manager. I didn’t hate the job but I hated spending my whole day in an office working for someone else’s dream. I wanted the TIME FREEDOM to do what is really important in this world. I knew I had a deeper purpose.

I was invited to a screening of the movie, Mully, at the Hope Center in Plano, Texas. A Kenyan man, Charles Mully, received his God-given purpose to be a father to the fatherless and transformed his community with a dream to revitalize his country into being self-sustaining rather than relying on foreign aid. My mind was renewed that day. I was inspired by one man who dedicated his life to serving those in need. I had seen my life focused on my own desires including my home, cars, food, clothing, hobbies, vacations and retirement. The shift turned to, “what can I do to impact the world?”

Then, my team dropped down just below 100 members.

Then, my team dropped down just below 100 members. And I thought, “What am I going to do?” I already made the decision that there was no way I’d ever go back to the way things were. Not gonna happen.

I needed to compare what I did with what I’m going to do. I cultivated great relationships. I contacted hundreds, if not thousands, of people. I contacted family, friends, high school friends, coworkers and anyone who would sit still for a few minutes. I made Facebook posts. I used Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube. I made a website. A blog. Created ads. I did in-home classes, restaurant classes, Facebook classes, Zoom meetings. I met people for lunch. For dinner. In cars. On picnic benches. At coffee shops. I did a vendor event. I did meetings for 1 and up to 20 in a single in-person event.

What was I doing wrong? I didn’t see the growth I was expecting.

Then, I realized what was missing... DUPLICATION!

I mean, we had a system in place but it was only followed by a few. I think most people were afraid. Afraid of annoying people. Afraid of sounding “salesy”.

My goal was to create a duplication system that removes the fear. With my 17 years of web design and marketing, I planned to introduce my own system that I developed.

No need to make phone calls, send text messages, or annoy friends and family.

During lots of research I discovered a system already in place. All I had to do was buy and start using it right away. It includes all of the marketing materials you need to enroll new members WITHOUT prospecting. No need to make phone calls, send text messages, or annoy friends and family.

In fact, this system can be used without even using your contact list or current Facebook friends. No more copying/pasting hundreds of direct or text messages. No more home parties. And you just build your team, nurture them, and watch them grow. This has become the "new" normal. And I love it!

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