Hey there, welcome to my next video. I am Robert, the DIY Marketing Guy. I give marketing tips & tricks to those in the Network Marketing profession to help build some BIG businesses and help everyone be profitable.
We're going to start getting into some effective strategies to help your video viewers convert to customers.
With these videos I want to provide you with VALUE. I'm not here like most videos you see trying to sell you something. My goal here is to help your network marketing business to grow and flourish.
Everything I talk about are methods I use myself. So please, if you like my videos please click the like or follow button.
So, let's get down to business.
Today I am giving you 5 Tips For Increasing Your Video Engagement. I'm comparing Youtube to Facebook videos. And the question we're going to answer is "What is the Best Way to Create Videos on Facebook?"
In a video I created before I mentioned the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. The same goes with creating videos. You have to get educated or else you get stuck in an old way of doing things.
Youtube has always been king since they started. And Facebook knows that so they're getting a piece of the pie. So features are always changing. You just have to keep up. All of that to mention that I've been paying a lot of attention to videos.
Before I mention these tips, I want to point out that I take all of my videos with my phone so I have the actual video file in my possession. That's important. Own your stuff.
TIP #1 - Set Your Videos to Autoplay
One really cool feature that will blow up your engagement is setting your videos to AUTOPLAY. That way, as people are scrolling, your video starts playing as it scrolls by. Very important!!!
Take into account that the sound is turned off. Facebook has an automatic feature that mutes the audio when videos autoplay. Otherwise, listening to every video as you scroll could be highly annoying.
TIP #2 - Make the First 3 Seconds Count
Facebook videos should have a powerful first few seconds that captivate your audience even without sound. Here are some ideas to take into consideration:
- Promote your brand. Facebook found that consumers were 23% more likely to remember your brand if featured within the first three seconds.
- Keep in mind that people will click away before they even know what your ad is about.
- Make shorter videos which have higher completion rates and also a higher probability of sharing your entire message.
TIP #3 - Add Captions To Your Videos
85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. If your viewers can’t understand your video without the sound, you would likely lose them and the opportunity to convey your message to them.
I don't know about you but when I'm in the office with other people, I always have my sound off. I don't know the actual numbers but... people read the captions. I just know from my own experience that I certainly do.
TIP #4 - Upload To Both Youtube AND Facebook
Okay, I am just messing up everything I said previously. But I'll say it!!!! Upload your videos to BOTH Facebook AND YouTube. You are creating more exposure for yourself.
The reason why I even created a video on Facebook in the first place was because of the AUTOPLAY feature and I saw how it is very common for marketers so they must be on to something. It's amazing how removing the simple action of "clicking the play button" would help engagement skyrocket.
So, here is the actual tip... I'll show you how to make your Youtube video AUTOPLAY when you share it on Facebook.
Just copy the video link and add "?autoplay=1" to the end.
TIP #5 - Copy Your Captions as 2 Files (SRT & SBV)
This one is very tricky. And it goes back to the tip about captions. This is about saving time and energy.
With Youtube you can export the captions that were created automatically. You always need to edit your captions in the video editor because, plainly, you just need to clean it up. And that can take some time.
So, when you're also uploading your videos to Facebook, you don't want to have to edit that file for your captions ALL OVER AGAIN.
You can save the file from Youtube, export it, and import it into Facebook.
But here's the catch. In Facebook it is an SRT file (SubRip Subtitle file). And in Youtube it is an SBV file (SubViewer file).
They are not compatible with one another. I'm sure someone has developed a converter but I looked at the 2 file formats side by side in a text editor and I just did a simple Find & Replace. I actually found a Subtitle Converter tool later after doing all of that. But that will save you a BIG headache.
So, those are all of the tips for today. Please like, follow, share... and all that stuff. See you next time and God bless.