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  • Frustrated in Network Marketing? Learn How to Stop Rejections

"The more you help people get what they want, the more you will get what you want." - Zig Ziglar

Business Building

Frustrated in Network Marketing? Learn How to Stop Rejections

by Rob

May 10, 2020

Hey there! My name is Robert Renaud and I’m the DIY Marketing Guy… I’ll tell you why in a minute.

This is actually my first video. I wasn’t ready to do it. I had fear creep in. I mean, during this quarantine I let my beard grow and it had been all scraggly so I surely couldn’t make a video. My hair hadn’t been cut in weeks.

Well, I cut my hair!

I’m just gonna be honest with you. I want you to see the real me not hiding behind a hat. I believe honesty in this type of business is so crucial. 

It’s time to say NO to fear and start living the life you were intended to LIVE!

I thought to myself… I am SOO sick and tired of sitting on the sidelines… watching these dang videos of people becoming successful. I KNOW I’m smarter than most of ‘em… I can do this! Haha!

I’ve been with my Network Marketing business… coming up in October will be 4 years. This past year I’ve been STUCK at the same rank all year. ALL YEAR!!!

It’s a good rank. I’m thankful for it. I’m at the level where I get all of my products for free plus some extra to knock out that light bill every month. BUT I’d never quit because I use at least 15 of our products every day. It would be foolish to quit. 

That was really the only thing keeping me in.

I was SO freaking FRUSTRATED though. I mean it really sucked. I felt like such a failure. I did everything my Upline told me to do. But it just wasn’t working.

I did all the things.

In fact, when I very first started I contacted 200 people right off the bat. I hosted regular weekly events. I drove the miles. I was always making Facebook posts of myself using the products… because I loved them. I felt like I had to go to EVERY social gathering because there were potential prospects there. 

I was like a vulture or something! I lost my own identity. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. Who can I prospect was always on my mind wherever I went. I DO NOT want to look at people like that!

Is that any way to live???

My problem has been DUPLICATION. But do I want my team doing that too??? I want them to be successful. So truly my heart behind this was to help people but I was at a point of desperation. It can get so ugly. Cold prospecting is so WEIRD and AWKWARD!! I’ve been told I’m weird enough already.

But over the years it kind of mellows out. You get cool with it. You avoid rejection by just hoping people will come TO YOU. 

The hunting isn’t so severe anymore. 

But then again you don’t have the GROWTH like you had either.

I love my team. And I take full responsibility if they do NOT succeed. I got them in and it is my duty to shepherd them well and see them through. I didn’t get them in this thing to create a financial burden!

But I kept thinking… THERE’S GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY.

The Solution

So, I started working on devising my own duplication system. I mean, I’ve been working in marketing for 17 years now. I for one should be able to figure this thing out.

Until I clicked on a Facebook ad, just like the one you clicked on. I saw things I had known deep down but never heard it quite this way. 

I’m telling you… There IS a better way!

Now the reason I created my brand as the DIY Marketing Guy is because there are PLENTY of tools out there. Websites, chat bots, sales funnels, YouTube channels, Facebook pages and groups… yada yada yada.

That stuff can be confusing and overwhelming. So, my background in marketing joined with YOUR desire to succeed is all we need. 

You get all the tools to be successful and I help you along the way by providing the templates and scripts you need.

My goal and my mission is to help you succeed. Let me show you EXACTLY what to do.

We devise a PLAN.

In the book “Think and Grow Rich” there are The Six Steps for Acquiring What You Desire.

#4 is… Start to develop your plan. Begin at once, whether you are ready or not. [So here I am]

What steps are you planning to take that move you towards your goal? Do not wait for the plan to be perfect.

Start right away. You can, and will, make adjustments to the plan as you are moving forward.

The Bible also says, “Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3

With that being said, YOU have a destiny in this world. I am just a guy who will take you by the hand… teach you… show you… provide tools, knowledge and experience. 

The first step is watching this FREE 10 Day Online Recruiting Video Series. It is the foundation for taking your business to a level you've only imagined but, quite frankly, just couldn't attain. So, take the first step. What have you got to lose?

FREE 10 Day Bootcamp
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Rob  -  My life began when I became an entrepreneur. But when I realized life wasn't about me, but helping others succeed, I gained new hope and a vision for impacting the world. I like being the guy behind the scenes, the man behind the curtain. I want to help you shine!

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